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Quora describes itself as “a place to gain knowledge”. It is an information exchange website, that is pretty much completely run by its users. This may not make it the most reliable source ever, there is no denying that the website is home to some really great content. We’ve all come across some incredibly well written, thoroughly researched answers at more than one point of our lives, but what were some of Quora’s best answers that the site saw last year? Since Quora works on the basis of upvotes and downvotes, this article will be used to judge the quality of the answers.
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They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and Sam Sahil’s response to this particular question goes to prove how true this statement is. According to his bio, Sahil is a photo-realistic sketch artist. He posted various illustrations that took him varying amounts of time to complete, from a quick two-minute sketch to a hyper-realistic portrait that took him over 50 hours to do. So far, he has received over 130k+ upvotes.
Ossama Suleiman – As a dying person, what is your advice to the living?
If you never thought a Quora answer could tug at your heartstrings, then prepare yourself, because you’re wrong. A while ago, Ossama Suleiman was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. Doctors gave him only 6 months to a year to live. This type of news would naturally shake anyone up. Initially, Sulieman, who was engaged to be married, lost all hope. Then, he parted ways with his fiancee. He then decided to make the best of the time he had left on this earth and began to turn his life around. He began to live for himself, getting rid of all the toxic elements that plagued him.
Also, he spent time with the people that mattered, and slowly learned how to be happy again, He signs off with a few words for the living, which would be better experienced if read in his own words. With over 115k+ upvotes, this one is a must read. Zee Hamid answers a very relevant question in an incredibly hard-hitting, and straightforward way. He brings up the issue of double standards that exist in today’s society, an issue that often goes ignored. Without giving away too much, you will find that his answer raises questions that have to do with gender roles and expectations, but not in the way you might expect it to.
This is the sort of question that might occasionally pop into our heads, but we don’t really pay any mind to. We all have that little “voice” in our head that we can “hear”. But what is it like for blind people? Michelle Westfall was kind enough to clear things up. She was born deaf, and this soundless world has been her world ever since. She goes on to describe what her thought process is like. It is a very insightful answer.
Some of these interesting questions are found in Quora, and there are more of these from where they came from. Interested in market your sports betting business? Contact us for a free consultation, and it’s just a click away.
Tags: Content Marketing, Digital Marketing, Quora