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There are quite a few ways you can attract more organic traffic to your website. All of these methods can be categorized into two main groups, direct and indirect efforts. Using direct efforts means you will attract organic traffic through link building strategies like social media marketing, guest posting, etc. The indirect effects refer to posting high-quality content on the website, which shared through the internet. The connection made between other websites and your website is called link juice. Naturally, the nature of link juice heavily depends on the authority of sites that will link to you. Let’s dive right in.
Link juice is a term in SEO that refers to the value or equity of connection made between two websites. The connection between sites is made through hyperlinks. Link juice is an essential factor that will help a particular site to get a better ranking in all the popular search engines. It should be known that weak links will not help you with the ranking. So, the more quality links page has, the merrier. These links are best described as votes that vouch for your website for being worth the promotion and having significant value. The actual process is pretty easy to explain. When page 1 makes a connection to page 2, the juice is flowing between these two. The result is page 2 has a better ranking on the search engine.
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Now we know that the search engine entirely relies on the quality of backlinks. The next question is, how can you build link juice? Receiving high-quality links is hard, but once you have enough knowledge, you will make the process much easier. There are efficient ways you can earn or build link juice from authoritative websites.
Having infographics on your website is one of the most effective methods to get link juice to your website, making them perfect shareable content. Infographics need to represent an exciting way of telling an interesting and unique story about a specific topic. Also, every infographic requires thorough research on the topic in question.
Guest posting is a method often described as a highly efficient way to reach new audiences. Publishing articles on more authoritative websites will result in you receiving more exposure. You’ll reach a new audience if you do enough guest posting. Plus, your site will receive the necessary link juice that will help with getting a better ranking on search engines.
It doesn’t matter how amazing your content is. If you don’t promote it the right way, you cannot expect to receive backlinks. You need to start outreaching to promote the best things from your arsenal. Contact other website owners and provide them with crucial information about your website. You will receive a quality backlink if your content is recognized as quality and useful.
Contacting website owners and pointing out broken links on their sites is the broken link building. Also, you will recommend the site that can be used as a replacement for the broken links in question. Naturally, you will recommend your website. Chances of your receiving a link juice are pretty high since you are doing a good deed by pointing out the links that got broken over time.
Almost all SEO people agree that link building is probably the most challenging part of their jobs. So, in case you’ve succeeded in mastering the art of link building, you have the upper hand against your competition.
Tags: Link Building, Link Juice