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A sports betting or soccer betting website has several tools at its disposal for online promotions. Promoting online isn’t always easy because it is essential to find out what is working and what isn’t. Which ads are customers responsive to? Was it the bounce rates, promotions, etc.? Some of the…
Everyone in business is looking for ways to generate more income. Many people with a website are trying to get their product out there by all means. There are those using Adsense (works by advertising your products/services on other web pages in the hope that they will drive traffic to…
The world of soccer does not go on holiday. There are soccer games played round the year in every part of the world. Despite many other businesses experiencing a downturn in the recent past, soccer betting has withstood the test of time, and it is deemed to continue growing steadily.…
Now that football is in sync with the digital age, we might as well make the most of it. Fans get to follow their favorite stars on various social platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Reddit and so on. While some footballers use social media to have a fan following…
The good thing with soccer betting is that a wager can have multiple streams of income and affiliate marketing is one of them. Given the fact that, soccer betting has grown in reaps and bounds in both membership and financial turnover, it is a ripe market for affiliate marketers considering…